Monday, March 30, 2009

Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?

Who me? Nope.

And the subject that is M.I.A is coffee, not cookies. I'm not a huge coffee drinker, I prefer green tea, or chai's...maybe a latte if I'm desperate.

It all started on my trip to Florida, when my BFF made me the most delicious coffee I had ever tasted in my life everyday that I was vacationing there. I could never reproduce said deliciousness so I gave up trying.

A few months later, now in present day, my co-worker noticed I was having a supremely bad day and made me a cup of coffee. The greatest taste was recreated! Heavens to Betsey! Since that day I had had at least one cup of sweet goodness a day. To the shagrin of my body, I kept it up. Until today.

My trusty sidekick and I walked into the break room for an afternoon jolt. We opened the drawer and *gasp!*

"WHERE'S THE COFFEE?" We both ran out and asked our Receptionist, she said she didn't know, but we weren't the first to report the missing coffee. We had ample coffee left that morning when I checked but opted for my green tea instead.

A few months back, there was a rumor circulating that our company was making budget cuts and the expensive coffee machine was gonna go. Thinking it was a silly rumor, and that there were other ways to trim the fat, so to speak, I wrote it off (and prayed for my job in the meantime). Now, I'm starting to think the rumors were true.

We're supposed to get another shipment in of coffee tomorrow. If we don't, heads will roll.

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