Friday, March 13, 2009

Procrastinate Me

It's Friday. Friday the 13th no less. And my day has already started off shitty. My boss aka bitch glob, likes to leave me emails to read in the morning when I get in at 8:30am that berade me for a job-not-so-well-done. HER superior told me to do something yesterday, I didn't ask questions and did it. She, however, had something to say about it. Something, not so nice.

I regress back to my "Miss Mac" post yesterday. Bitch glob likes to take a backseat to her job. Which in turn makes mine miserable. For the past few months I have been creating my own work because all she gives me to do is bitch work that never gets explained properly. I do ask her to explain and somehow I still end up doing it wrong.

I just wish the "higher ups" were smart enough to see what she's really like.

Can I go home now?

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